Ruan Living OfferingsÂ
Throughout the past +17 years of research,Sophia Ruan Gushée has developed a robust collection of programs to simplify nontoxic living for you.
Which do you feel ready to incorporate into your life today? We invite you to choose whichever resonates most with you right now.
Your less toxic lifestyle awaits...
The Ultimate Home Detox
Do you prefer meeting with Sophia in-person or virtually?Â
Sophia would love to meet you at whichever starting point you're at, and support you at whichever pace and preference will encourage you to detox your home and lifestyle. Offerings include home detox sessions in-person or virtually.

Sophia—Physically In Your Home
Click here for the ultimate time-saver: Sophia Detoxing Your Home—In Person!.

Sophia—virtually in your home.
Do you want Sophia to empower you to transform your home, health, and well-being? On this path, Sophia will get to know your detox goals and preferences virtually, and personalize your detox journey step-by-step. Included is 40-Day Home Detox with continued support at the D-Tox Academy. Click here to learn more: Your virtual, step-by-step home detox transformation with Sophia.
DIYÂ Home Detox
For Your Home, Lifestyle, and Body
Unlike The Ultimate Home Detox experiences (above) that include Sophia as your guide in person or virtually, the options below don't include 1:1 sessions with Sophia. However, Sophia created 40-Day Home Detox and D-Tox Academy with her guidance and structure embedded in each program.

Monthly email guidance
Click here for the ultimate time-saver: Sophia Detoxing Your Home—In Person!.
If you're ready to join, click the button below.

Monthly email guidance
Swap toxic products for safer ones with the D-Tox Academy
If you're ready to join, click the button below.
Home Detox Books by Ruan
To Reduce Toxicity From Your Home, Diet, Self-Care, and Technology

Private Sessions
To Save You The Most Time

Sophia Ruan Gushée can detox your home, products, and behaviors with you. Click below to learn about examples of how she can help.
Free Detox Offerings

Detox tips and offers

Practical Nontoxic Living

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