About Sophia Ruan Gushée:

Nontoxic Living Advocate and Author

Author of A to Z of D-Toxing: The Ultimate Guide to Reducing Our Toxic Exposures

Inspired by her family, Sophia published A to Z of D-Toxing: The Ultimate Guide to Reducing Our Toxic Exposures in October 2015. Essential for those who want to create a healthy Home, the bestselling A to Z of D-Toxing has been critically-acclaimed by some of the world's leading physicians, researchers, and professors as well as conscious consumers.

Host of the 'Practical Nontoxic Living' Podcast

Sophia has been featured on popular platforms like the Dr. Oz Show, MindBodyGreen, Today.com, Well+Good, and magazines like Health, Family, and Fast Company. She has shared her home detox and nontoxic living expertise as a member of the prestigious Well + Good Council and the Brown University School of Public Health Advisory Council.

Featured in Media Outlets Like Dr. Oz Show and MindBodyGreen

A preeminent expert on panels, events, podcasts, and radio shows, Sophia also hosts her Practical Nontoxic Living podcast and is creator of The Ultimate Home Detox program.

Detox Your home, Body & Mind

Click the buttons below to learn more about The Ultimate Home Detox, the bestselling book A to Z of D-Toxing, or the Practical Nontoxic Living podcast.

A to Z of D-Toxing
The Ultimate Home Detox
Practical Nontoxic Living podcast


I am passionate about empowering people with the safest way to detox: avoiding toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from what we buy, own and do.

Why do I care so much? Because it's super influential and often overlooked.

My interest in avoiding toxicity that's easy to avoid began soon after my first daughter was born in 2007. Stunned at how much our purchasing increased for her (and for every pursuant development stage and subsequent child), I was troubled to learn that these products could expose her to toxic chemicals and heavy metals that could participate in her development. Hundreds of credible reports led me to realize that it was reasonable—and important—to avoid toxic chemicals and heavy metals from her baby bottles, baby bottle nipples, infant formula, food, crib mattresses, pacifiers, and more. 

For approximately eight years, I dived deep into the most credible science available and shared what I wish I knew sooner in my first book A to Z of D-Toxing: The Ultimate Guide to Reducing Our Toxic Exposures (published in 2015).

Since 2007, I have been fine-tuning how I apply relevant science into real life—as a NYC mom of three incredible daughters and wife to a Manifesting Generator (I'm an MG too).

The Ultimate Home Detox program simplifies this highly complex topic into my commonsense approach. Truly, it is the most transformative and invaluable experience to optimize your health and well-being. To listen to my conversations with health & wellness rockstars, follow my Practical Nontoxic Living podcast.

I am passionate about making practical nontoxic living easier for others, and I welcome feedback on any social media channel @ruanliving (or see the footer of this page) or [email protected]



Healthy Home & Clean Living Expert

Healthy home guru" and "clean-living guru" are examples of how Sophia has been described by Well+Good, the two-time Webby Award-winning website (The New York Times has described the Webby Award as the "Internet's highest honor"). Sophia was invited to become a member of the elite Well+Good Council. From the Well+Good website:

The Council Members span the wellness spectrum, from yoga guru and author Sophia Gushee, who's become the authority on living a non-toxic life, to designer Norma Kamali, who will focus on feminism and fashion. And that's just to name a few!

With a successful former career in investment management, Sophia has become sought after for her expertise on practical nontoxic living,

Sophia is a graduate of Brown University, and Columbia Business School. She is also a certified yoga teacher. 

Sophia and her husband live in NYC with their three children and dog, Lola. 

Above: Sophia speaking at the Well+Good Council launch party at ABC Home in Manhattan.


Engage Sophia

The most innovative and pioneering health and science platforms seek Sophia for her Practical Nontoxic Living expertise. She enjoys collaborating with others. You can browse select highlights of her work by clicking on the images below.


Follow Sophia

Podcast: Practical Nontoxic Living
Instagram: @RuanLiving
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@RuanLiving
Facebook: @RuanLiving
X: @ruan_living

Email: [email protected]


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