What is the best air purifier for home?

One of the most common questions that I'm asked is, "Which air purifier do you use?"

Indoor air quality has been shown to be at least 2-5 times more toxic than outdoor air—even in big cities! Contaminants such as VOCs and formaldehyde can off-gas from your rugs, furniture, and other products in your home. So, researching a high quality air purifier is worth the investment for my home.

February 25, 2025 update: I just learned that the Ultrafine Intellipure model that I use is being replaced with a new product that will be released later this year. In the meantime, the company recommends using 2-3 "compacts" as an alternative. D-Tox Academy members can login for more guidance on finding alternatives: Air Detox.

Why I chose Intellipure for my family

After trying several air purifiers, I finally enjoy peace of mind with my Intellipure air purifiers. My key reasons why.

  • It captures smaller particles than a HEPA filter. Most air purifiers are designed to meet the HEPA, or High-Efficiency Particulate Air, standards of removing 99.97% of airborne particles at 0.3 microns (µm) in size. But it may not protect you from particles smaller than 0.3µm, which can include nanoplastics. Intellipure claims its DFS technology removes 99.99% of harmful airborne particles at 0.007 µm in size, which would capture microplastics and some nanoplastics.
  • It removes 99.99% of harmful viruses, fungi, molds, and bacteria. These are smaller than 0.3µm, the smallest size that HEPA filters capture.
  • It reduces bioburden and inhibits microorganism growth.
  • It removes gases and odors. For example, it provides >90% removal efficiency on Formaldehyde and >95% removal efficiency on Toluene.
  • This technology is currently used in hospitals, medical clean rooms, government buildings, and military applications.
  • It's pretty quiet so it's easier to keep it running all the time even during family dinners and long hours in our tv room.

While Intellipure is an investment, detoxing my family's bedrooms and other areas where the kids spend a lot of time is invaluable. So, it is worth my family's investment, as I find it to be the best air purifier for home.

Save 10%

Right now, you can enjoy a 10% discount on your Intellipure air purifier with coupon code SOPHIA102024.

Click here to purchase: Intellipure. Read more here on the blog.

Note: Affiliate link above. (Sophia became an affiliate partner after selecting Intellipure as the best air purifier for her home.)


Enjoy a 10% discount with coupon code Sophia10.

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