Featured In...
Sophia Ruan Gushée, Ruan Living's founder, has been the go-to nontoxic lifestyle expert for +17 years for the world's leading health, wellness, beauty, or lifestyle platforms such as the select ones below. Click to learn more about Sophia's events.

In the news...
As a go-to nontoxic lifestyle thought leader, Sophia Ruan Gushée, author of A to Z of D-Toxing: The Ultimate Guide To Reducing Our Toxic Exposures and creator of The Ultimate Home Detox, has been a popular toxic exposure expert for local, national, and international audiences.
How Healthy Is Your Indoor Air?
Featured talk by Well+Good
Healthy Picks At The Dollar Store
Simple Home Detox Tips
Well+Good features Sophia's home
What Are Simple Self-Improvement Tips?
As a nontoxic lifestyle expert, Sophia continues to empower communities around the country with simple detox tweaks that can transform.

Podcasts & Radio