
Tweak, Stretch, or Plunge?

We support a wide range of detox paces—whether you want to adopt practical nontoxic living with baby steps (Tweak), or change your life as dramatically as possible (Plunge), or somewhere in between (Stretch). Below are options on how to start.


These are the most basic and affordable—or free!—steps.

Commitment: LOW


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      Subscribe to the Practical Nontoxic Living podcast.

      Learn from Sophia's interviews of the most pioneering scientists, physicians, and wellness entrepreneurs. Subscribe via your favorite podcast platform or by clicking here.


      Follow @ruanliving on Instagram and/or Facebook.

      We share Practical Nontoxic Living tips most frequently @ruanliving on Instagram and free Practical Nontoxic Living workshops in a private Facebook group named Home Detox with Sophia Ruan Gushee.


      Download Sophia's Nontoxic Cleaning Guide.

      Learn how Sophia's cleans her home. Her Nontoxic Cleaning Guide is designed to introduce you to the most nontoxic cleaning approach. Click here to download: Nontoxic Cleaning Guide.


      Sign up for Ruan Living's free 5-Day Digital Detox Challenge


      After implementing some Tweaks above, you can consider these budget-friendly Stretches.

      Commitment: MEDIUM


      Buy A to Z of D-Toxing.

      A to Z of D-Toxing: The Ultimate Guide to Reducing Our Toxic Exposures belongs in every home. It's an invaluable resource that you can learn from for the rest of your life. 


      Buy Home Detox Workbook.

      Home Detox Workbook organizes the detox tips that are the most budget-friendly (often they don't cost anything) and that every household should incorporate.


      Buy EMF Detox Workbook.

      EMF Detox Workbook provides an excellent roadmap and checklists to provide you and your loved ones with more EMF recovery periods. 


      Join Ruan Living's D-Tox Academy.
      • Peak into a toxic exposure expert's family life (Sophia's) to see how she applies her toxic exposures expertise into real life. You'll learn how Sophia balances applying scientific evidence with the challenges of onboarding family members to practical nontoxic living. 
      • See which products Sophia uses and why.
      • Learn Sophia's recipes and approaches for cleaning, self-care, eating, decorating, and more.
      • Get your questions answered by Sophia and the Ruan Living family in a private online forum and through live events.
      • Shop with more ease with Ruan Living Shopping Guides.
      • Access a library of detox resources for:
        • Adjusting your mindset and expectations for a sustainable, enjoyable success in avoiding toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and EMFs
        • Home Detox
        • EMF Detox
        • Cleaning Detox
        • Self-Care Detox (beauty and personal care products)
        • Diet Detox
        • Interior Furnishings

      Click here to learn more: D-Tox Academy.


      Shop Sophia's curated Amazon store and other products that she's researched.
      • Click here to check out EMF protection products, plants, and books.


      If you're motivated for a detox deep dive, then these options are great

      Commitment: LOW TO ADVANCED. You steer the pace.


      40-day Home Detox Challenge

      Transform your home, body, and life by detoxing your household products room-by-room, and learning how to craft your new practical nontoxic lifestyle. Sophia's signature 40-Day Home Detox is designed to simplify nontoxic living for you by fine-tuning how you see things. You'll also develop a Practical Nontoxic Living "bible" of resources that will help you for the rest of your life. This can be personalized for your goals—like detoxing for pregnancy, fertility, a new baby, or supporting a compromised immune system or imbalanced hormones. Learn more by clicking here: 40-Day Home Detox.


      Fertility Detox

      Give your growing family the healthiest foundation that is possible for your unique potential. Click here to learn more: Fertility Detox.


      Private clients

      Sophia is available to work with a client 1:1. Email to inquire.

      Other Interests?

      If you're interested in engaging Sophia for interviews or events, then please email

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      Our newsletter shares podcasts, workshops, special offers, and simple tweaks for practical nontoxic living.