Detox Your Home With Support

Sophia has distilled 14 years of research into the most basic steps for you to detox your home. 

I have learned that space can be cultivated to support our health and wellbeing. When life feels demanding and overwhelming, a home that nurtures rest, repair, and resiliency is appreciated even more as a treasured respite.

I believe everyone can incorporate simple tweaks to transform their home into a healing space. This can empower us for what we cannot control.

This is the most important gift you can give yourself, your family, and your loved ones. 

—Sophia Ruan Gushée


Your Potential Health Benefits

The first step to creating a healing space is to reduce unnecessary toxic exposures—toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and electromagnetic fields. This will reduce your body burden (your body's lifetime storage of chemicals), and give your body more opportunity to repair and restore. Toxic exposures can participate in your biochemistry, challenging your body from functioning at its optimal state. With Home Detox 101, you can improve factors that support:

  • Improved sleep quality

  • Enhanced energy

  • Boosted immunity

  • More favorable conditions for fertility

  • Purer breastmilk

  • A lifestyle that supports disease prevention

  • Conditions that can alleviate allergies, asthma, and eczema

  • Less mental fogginess, clearer focus, and fewer chronic headaches

  • A lower body burden

Enjoy Efficient, Effective, and Pleasant Power-Lessons

1. Save time while learning key information. Leverage Sophia's experience. She has distilled 14 years of research into the most basic steps for you to detox your home. This program is designed to take minimal time from your busy schedule, offering just the key things you need to know to appreciate the checklists.

2. Get an easy-to-implement plan to detox your home. You will receive a "menu" of practical action items that are presented in 5 "high-impact" modules. Select the items that are easiest for you to implement in the short-term. Revisit the checklists when you are ready for more change.

3. Learn in a pleasant way. The micro-lessons are designed to be engaging and simple.

4. Watch, listen, read. This online program is designed to support various learning preferences through videos, text, & audio files. Sophia's book A to Z of D-Toxing: The Ultimate Guide to Reducing Our Toxic Exposures offers a comprehensive explanation of our toxic exposures, for when you want more details.



5. Get personalized, printable checklists. If you complete the checklists online, then you can gain additional support from Sophia. This accountability also helps support you to make changes since changing behavior is always hard.

6. Benefit from community Q&A. Submit your questions! Sophia will respond to questions that will benefit the group so you can learn from others. On occasion, she will engage other experts to chime in too.

7. Receive support. This can be an overwhelming and stressful topic, especially if you're trying to figure it out alone. But you don't have to learn this important information alone! Join Home Detox 101.


Your Takeaways

Watch 29 short videos for inspiration on which tips on the 5 checklists you won't mind making. The videos are family-friendly to help onboard your family members (or roommates) as well!

  • Air

    • Learn simple tweaks to detox your indoor air quality. Some won't even dent your budget!

    • Learn key things to consider when selecting an air purifier

    • Learn which air purifier Sophia uses, and why

  • Dust

    • Dozens of toxic chemicals and heavy metals have been detected in house dust, including exposures banned decades ago due to their toxicity. Learn simple ways to ban them from your home

  • Hands

    • Wash and moisturize your hands with nontoxic soaps and moisturizers

  • Water

    • Learn key things you should do to drink cleaner water

    • Learn key water filtration options (at different price points) to consider

    • Learn which water filtration options Sophia uses for her family and why

  • Sleep

    • We spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping. This workshop focuses on optimizing your bedroom's environment (within the limits of your budget) so that it embodies key factors that support more restorative rest

  • Healthy Balance

    • Throughout this workshop, you will learn empowering information so that you can make healthier choices when they feel manageable for you. Sophia’s approach is balanced and practical

  • Detox 101 (Pillar 1) introduces you into the language and mindset of Practical Nontoxic Living as well as the five Cornerstones of Sophia's signature Home D-Tox Approach.


Air Detox Intro

Peak into Home Detox 101 by watching the intro to module 1: Air Detox.




Section 2: Dust Detox

Section 3: Hands Detox

Section 4: Water Detox

Section 5: Sleep Detox

Home Detox 101

Pillar 2 at the D-Tox Academy

Transform your home into a restorative oasis with the essentials that every health-conscious household should practice.


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Small tweaks can transform your home and body towards healing spaces.

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