Reduce toxicants in your diet: Use Food Scores!
Jun 30, 2015Since I was young, I've always been interested in food. I remember being excited to learn about the antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that certain foods offer my body. In recent years, I learned about toxicants in food, including ones that can disrupt our biological processes.
Some are inevitable because our environment is polluted. Others are avoidable. Prepackaged foods often contain additional contaminants from the food preparation process and from food packaging. We should be considering toxicants in our food as often as we think about their calories, fat and nutrition.
The Environmental Working Group recently released a new tool: Food Scores. It rates foods based on nutrition, ingredients and processing concerns. I checked a few of our household staples since they would be providing chronic sources of exposure. Below are the results, with 1 being the best and 10 being the worst.
I recommend looking up your household staples. I'm glad I did it because reviewing results informed me of alternative products with lower ratings and reinforced some of my choices. Afterwards, we can grocery shop with more relevant information. Let me know what you learned in the Comments box below!
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