Organic Baby Creams: Our Experience
Mar 21, 2017Lanolin: Used for ages, lanolin is the natural oil found on the wool of sheep (it is also known as wool fat or grease). A natural emollient, it makes skin soft, and is also acquired without having to kill an animal. On the downside, lanolin can be contaminated if the sheep has been exposed to chemicals. Therefore, be careful to look for the pure (ultrapure) variety.
Zinc oxide: It provides a protective barrier on baby's bottom and is safe to use.
Calendula: An excellent healing agent for the skin made from marigold. Effective for treating diaper rash, Calendula has natural antibacterial properties and is soothing and antiseptic.
Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) made from the seeds and the pulp of a grapefruit works against microorganisms and has bactericidal, antiviral, fungicidal, and antiparasitic properties. It is excellent to prevent and treat diaper rash. In a spray bottle, dilute 5 - 10 drops of GSE in one ounce of water, and use as needed on baby's bottom. It can be applied at the same dilution with a cotton swab for thrush in baby's mouth and mother's nipples.
California Baby Calendula Cream I'm very picky about lotions because I have very dry skin and I need something nourishing. After trying many lotions (not all are listed here since I can't remember them), I found this one to be the most effective. This has a hazard rating of 1 out of 10 by the Environmental Working Group.
California Baby Calendula Cream, 2 oz (Pack of 2)
I received a lovely gift basket of Erbviva products, which allowed me to try those listed below. All the products smelled beautiful. The lotions and creams didn't seem to work too effectively, however. Or, they caused some skin irritation when my daughter was <6 months (I stopped trying during this time). There were some really love products though, and they are noted below. I really enjoyed this gift so I'd recommend it, especially for new moms who may just beginning their journeys of exploring non-toxic, high-end baby products.
Erbaviva Baby Gift Basket (Burmese)
1) Erbaviva Baby Soap -- Lovely, gentle soap that worked well on both baby and mother (including my face)
2) Erbaviva Baby Wash Bag -- This was absolutely divine!
3) Erbaviva Baby Cream -- This caused some skin irritation but wasn't too bad. Worked better than Aveeno but not as good as the California Baby Calendula Cream. It has a hazard rating of 0 out of 10 from the Environmental Working Group, however, so I may try it again.
4) Erbaviva Diaper Cream -- This worked well!
5) Erbaviva Sunscreen -- I use California Baby since it has a low hazard rating.
6) Erbaviva Baby Lotion -- This caused some skin irritation but wasn't too bad. Worked better than Aveeno but not as good as the California Baby Calendula Cream.
7) Erbaviva Baby Oil -- This wasn't too bad. I don't mind me or baby being a bit greasy but, after a couple of hours, my daughter's skin would feel dry. The California Baby Calendula Cream is better.
8) Erbaviva Shampoo -- kind of drying on my daughter's hair. We stopped using it.
9) Erbaviva Lip and Cheek Balm -- not so great on my daughter because it's hard to apply, but I use it on my hands in the winter since I need something much stronger during this season. I love that I can throw it in my purse and use it on my hands, face and lips!
Erbaviva Baby Lip and Cheek Balm, Ivory
Although not all products are one that I would repeatedly buy, I enjoyed this as a gift since it was fun to sample the variety of products.
I tried this because it has a hazard rating of 0 out of 10 from the Environmental Working Group. It doesn't spread easily at all, however. I didn't use it on the children but I ended up using it on my hands and feet during the dry winter months.
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