Love Test Detox Stickers For Your Home Detox
Jan 16, 2024Updated August 23, 2024
For years, I have been craving these Love Test Detox Stickers. I'm thrilled that they have finally been born!
What is the Love Test?
The Love Test is essential to my D-Tox Method.
After learning about toxic exposures from a household product, I want you to ask yourself, do I still love or need it? If you do, then enjoy it for now! If it has a low toxicity rating, then stick a Love sticker on it.
If, after learning about the toxicity of a product that you want to discard, then either discard it responsibly (like, if it's an air freshener) or phase it out. If you want to phase it out, then you can use the "Don't Buy Again" or "Use Sparingly" stickers. This will help you eliminate or phase out sources of toxic exposures.
This method is the Love Test. It helps you eliminate toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and EMFs while protecting your joy and convenience!
How do Love Test Detox Stickers help detox you and your loved ones?
As you learn more about the toxicity in your household items, it'll be hard for those you live with to get on the same page. These Love Test Detox Stickers can help you inform those you live with. For example, if you have a collection of shampoos in your shower, these stickers can inform which options are more toxic than others so that your loved ones become more conscious of their toxic exposures too. This empowers them to conduct the Love Test for themselves.
How can you purchase your Love Test Detox Stickers?
The Love Test Detox Stickers work best when complemented with a program at the D-Tox Academy because the D-Tox Academy teaches you about your toxic exposures from common household items. After learning new information about your products, you conduct the Love Test and use these stickers to decide how you want to proceed with these items. Do you want to keep them because they pass the Love Test, discard them, phase them out, or keep them but use them sparingly?
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