Please do this one thing!
Jul 25, 2019Last night, I recorded a podcast with a superhero you should know: Dr Devra Davis. She has an impressive career as an epidemiologist, author, academic, and pioneer in public and environmental health. For example, President Bill Clinton appointed her to the newly established Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (1949-99); she has counseled leading officials in the US United Nations, European Environment Agency, Pan American Health Organization, World Health Organization, and World Bank; served the Board of Scientific Counselors of the US National Toxicology Program and the US CDC in various capacities; and the list of impressive experiences goes on.
Why should you know her? She’s been working hard for decades to protect the public from environmental health hazards, including chemicals, cigarette smoking and smoke, asbestos, and more. And she’s not afraid to call out corporate strategies and influences to delay public awareness and government regulation, including in her critically-acclaimed books The Secret History of the War on Cancer, When Smoke Ran Like Water: Tales of Environmental Deception and the Battle Against Pollution, and Disconnect: The Truth about Cell Phone Radiation.
We want you to prioritize one thing right now: Bookmark the link below and make time to send letters at the link to let elected officials know that we don’t want a 5G rollout until there’s proof of safety. There are too many devastating historical examples of public harm because we assumed no proof of harm—because no one looked—when we deserve proof of safety.
I know this is overwhelming. But future generations would be grateful, and, decades from now, you’ll be glad you did your part. Radiation from our wireless technologies is proving harm to us, our children, birds, bees, wildlife, and even our earths’s microbiome.
The Environmental Health Trust is a science-based nonprofit founded by Dr. Davis.
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