Why Is Pornography Such a Problem Today, especially for Children?

children and technology Sep 02, 2018

by editorial team


Children’s exposure to pornography is not harmless fun. In fact, it may not be harmless for adults either. Long gone are the titillating days of finding stashed Playboy’s under the recliner and sneaking peeks at naked women before being caught.

We want to raise kids to be sexually safe and healthy, and pornography, in general, does not promote these goals. Today’s culture is highly sexualized, and kids (and adults) are bombarded with sexual images regularly in social media, popular culture, and advertising.

Easy access to online pornography of all kinds may further complicate and confuse matters.

Lots of older children and teens have unrestricted internet access. This lack of supervision combined with a natural sexual curiosity creates a perfect storm for potential problems. Pornography is problematic for kids and adults for multiple reasons.

  • Pornography has evolved to a much more graphic and violent content than in the past

  • Pornography is much more accessible and is only a mouse click or two away from inquiring minds

  • The softcore porn of the Playboy days has evolved to hardcore pornography which depicts graphic sex acts, live sex shows, violence, and sometimes sex acts with animals

  • Young children are not emotional or mentally prepared for graphic sexual material


Overexposed and Underprepared

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), there are risks associated with viewing violent and sexualized material for the developing brain. Psychology Today reports negative effects for adults as well.

The American Colleges of Pediatricians and Psychology Today report that access to pornography at a young age may have negative consequences:

  • distorting view of sexuality

  • impairing the ability to foster healthy relationships

  • overestimating the number of kids having sex in the community

  • communicating that sexual promiscuity is normal

  • promoting that abstinence is abnormal

All kids have a natural curiosity about sex, but are not prepared to process the violent, hardcore material easily accessible online. Access to pornography may change adult and young people’s perspectives about sex and healthy relationships and may impede their ability to have committed and meaningful sexual relations.


What are the signs suggesting children have seen online pornography?

If you suspect your child is viewing pornography online, don’t freak out as it would be like throwing gasoline on a raging fire. Porn is easily accessed innocently or deliberately.

Some kids stumble on it, and some kids search for it, but the first thing to do is to take a deep breath before starting a conversation that needs to continue.

If you are not sure, but you suspect, here are some warning signs that your child may be viewing pornography online.

  • Visible evidence of pornography in the browser history

  • Deleted browser history

  • Increase in inappropriate pop-ups or spam on the computer

  • Unexplained charges on internet bill

  • Child or teen lying about computer use

  • Child or teen spending increased time on the network; especially at night

  • Child or teen quickly changes the computer screen

  • Sometimes depression or social withdrawal

  • Child displays sexualized or inappropriate behaviors


Final Thoughts

Young kids start using technology at the earliest ages, so internet safety conversations ideally begin before then. Kids are going to happen across all kinds of upsetting content on the internet and find things they never intended to see despite their parents best efforts.

Parents, however, can recognize burgeoning problems of online porn viewing by remaining vigilant to the warning signs, their child’s behaviors and by starting and continuing an authentic conversation on sexual health and safety.

Adults can apply these guidelines to their own lives. Pay close attention to the potential effects of pornography and make appropriate changes when necessary.

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