Can peppermint alleviate your spring seasonal or environmental threats?
Mar 21, 2017An Herbal Ally for Spring: Peppermint
With such crazy ups and downs in our weather patterns, it's hard to know just when, and if, warmer weather will come-- and stay. This can affect seasonal allergy symptoms in a serious way-- often coming earlier, later, or more intense than previous years.
To support the body's healthy functioning and reduce allergic reactions, try incorporating peppermint (or peppermint essential oil) into your daily regimen. Peppermint is wildly abundant and known to provide cooling effects on the body which can alleviate seasonal threats, help clear nasal passageways, and fight germs, purify, and help reduce bloating.
- Peppermint Tea (or Infusion): Peppermint tea is widely available in stores, but if you can find local (organic) dried peppermint leaves at your local farmer's market- even better! To make an infusion, double up on the amount of tea leaves, and instead of drinking immediately, let the tea infuse overnight.
- Peppermint Essential Oil: Wonderful to incorporate into diffusers throughout the home and bedroom. One drop of 100% organic/therapeutic grade peppermint essential oil (from brands like DoTerra) can also be diluted in a liter of water and drank for instant relief from allergy symptoms.
*Peppermint essential oil can be dangerous for children, as well those with peppermint allergies so consult with an expert and exercise precaution if consuming.
We've also found success in combining 1 or 2 drops of peppermint essential oil with a carrier oil (like fractionated coconut oil) for cooling down sunburns! As mentioned above, be sure to dilute the peppermint oil with a carrier oil, otherwise it can burn your skin.
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