Best EMF Protection Practices One Should Incorporate
Mar 26, 2023With so many new technologies all around us, we seem to have everything under control. Think about it, your phone has essentially become a digital key to just about anything you want.
- Going to the show? You likely have the tickets on your phone.
- Listening to the new album? Not a far cry to assume you streamed it from an app and used earpods to listen.
- Ordering groceries or checking a menu at a restaurant? Yep, there’s an app for that.
These conveniences have made life simpler and faster, allowing you to be as up-to-date as possible in real-time. And since this information is accessible basically anywhere you go, which means you can cast your worries aside. Right? Well, sort of.
As you progress on your journey as a Ruan Detox Warrior, you certainly understand that all these devices are fed information through tiny waves. These invisible rays. Specifically, this electrical information travels through electric and magnetic fields, more commonly known as EMFs.
There is some question as to how harmful these EMFs can be. However, there are also products that can help prevent them from even reaching you fully. Let’s break this down a bit further, and discuss some of the best practices when it comes to protection from EMFs.
What Are EMFs
Simply put, EMFs are waves of electricity. What you might not know is they are not limited to only new technologies. A common misconception about EMFs is that they have shown up in the wireless age, being pumped into the air by mobile devices and WiFi routers.
This is not the case. In fact, sunlight is a form of EMF. After all, this light can generate electricity and be used to power electrical items. This is an organic example, which is not as often considered.
A microwave is a more recent example. Unlike WiFi, these waves remain relatively contained.
X-ray machines are a big example that people point to with health concerns. It’s true that direct waves such as this can be harmful. However, this is why there are preventative measures in place when getting X-rays, etc.
And yet, the rate at which we experience EMFs in this day and age is significantly higher than ever before, and some scientists note that it might be too early to tell the true impact of what these EMF exposures really mean. This is valid, as health effects typically don’t reveal themselves until later on.
Though it is true that we can measure levels of EMFs, and have an understanding of whether we are dealing with extremely low frequency or need to stay out of the X-ray room due to exposure to EMF radiation, there are still EMF protections we can incorporate into our daily lives.
Protection From EMF
Detoxing your body means detoxing from both the seen and unseen. EMF protection products can give you peace of mind, knowing that if electromagnetic fields do indeed come with harmful effects, you have taken the proper precautionary steps. However, it’s important that you do your research on ensuring that they EMF protection products that you use will not cause more harm than good. Remember: the D-Tox Academy is here to help!
After all, detoxing your body isn’t only about eliminating the bad from within, but also keeping it out entirely.
Headphone Protectors
It has become a headphones (or earpods) world. Whether listening to your favorite podcast on your morning commute, or rocking out on the treadmill. Headphones have become small and enabled us to take fuller advantage of them. In turn, one of their conveniences is their wireless capability, which means, you guessed it, electric fields.
There are anti-radiation headphones that you can turn to, which will fill your ears just as completely as your current pair, but help shield from EMF.
EMF Neutralizers
With a name like that, why not have one? An EMF neutralizer is like it sounds, and they come in the form of small chips that can be applied to electronic appliances. For example, you can easily place one on your mobile device, whether a phone or tablet. They don’t take up any additional space, and unless you know it’s there, it might just look like a sticker.
Since your phone goes everywhere with you, this type of EMF protection has become more popular than some of the others. Check with your EMF professional to make sure these help.
Adapters and Plugs
Why not eliminate EMFs at the source? Great question, and there is an even better answer: You can. There are various adapters that you can use for your devices, or grounded outlet adapters that you can plug directly into, that serve as EMF blockers for your home.
These EMF home protectors can be placed easily and inconspicuously, staying out of sight and out of mind (just like the EMFs themselves).
Stay Healthy
Detoxing is not only about removing from the outside in, but also preventing certain items from getting in at all. As you continue your detox journey, consider the benefits of EMF protection as well. Check out some of the EMF protection products we recommend here.
If you’re ready for a digital detox challenge, then consider our 5-Day Digital Detox Challenge, or Pillar 3 EMF Detox at the D-Tox Academy to detox EMF exposure at home and from your habits. It’s full of essential tips for a healthier relationship with your technology!
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